6 Virtual Reality Rendering Tools for Real Estate and Construction

If you are looking forward to buying a house, having the photos of the house or visiting the home physically is of great help. It’s easier to determine whether the available space is adequate or your furniture. Also, it is hard to imagine how the house will look like after moving in.

Using technology such as augmented virtual reality, you can see how the house will look like when you move in. The developer can go through architectural designs and models before they even begin. A customer can tour the home before the foundation is laid. Using the following tools, you can view real estate projects on VR.

  1. Oculus Rift

Traditionally, the device was used for gaming just like all other VR headsets. Today, the case is different. Architects and engineers have adopted it to help them work in virtual environments. The device is programmed with a capability to combine 3D and motion tracking. It enables users to move around 3D models using a keyboard and a mouse. Architects globally have adopted the Oculus Rift technology for visualization and design. It can also give their clients a glimpse of the building before construction.

  1. Hololens

Although the product is still in its development stage, the conceptual release of Hololens was proof of its superiority. The device is the only wearable computer that runs on Windows 10. The device is completely untethered. To use the tool, you do not require a smartphone or a computer. Hololens enables its users to create virtual 3D models in a real space. Architects, engineers, doctors, 3D animators among others, can use it. It is one of the most improved virtual augmented reality tools.

  1. Google Daydream

Google Daydream is a wearable technology that incorporates all 3D renderings. It also leverages on Google’s spatial technologies to map its tours. Companies leveraging on Google Daydream have the most accurate representation of reality. The device is unique because it relies on smartphones unlike most of the wearable VR tools.

  1. Samsung Gear VR

After developing the Oculus Rift, the company realized they were limiting the device users’ movements since they had to stay close to their computers. They decided to work on a device that would work with a smartphone. They collaborated with Samsung and released Samsung Gear VR. It helps its users to see virtual models of the houses even before and after construction. You can also view VR tours for the listed real estate. To use this device, you must have a Samsung device with you.

  1. Unreal Engine

It enables designers and engineers to visualize spaces and 3D structural models from design, construction to completion of real estate projects. Using the tool, architects and engineers can build and design real estate VR tours for clients. The device has a 3D modeling and motion-editing features.

  1. Twin Motion

Looking for a powerful and a simple tool to view 3D models, here is one for you. The device works in architectural 3D models, engineering, and construction. It has all the features required to create 3D models and motion. Its application includes landscaping, urban planning, development, and architectural designs and modeling.

The tool is easy to use unlike most of the 3D modeling software. It allows users to create 3D models from scratch, add motion and edit them. The capability to render high definition graphics within a short time makes the device outstanding among other Virtual reality devices in the market. It utilizes Unreal engine to provide graphics.


Technology has revolutionized every industry. In the past, buying a home required you to either visit the house physically or view its pictures. To some extent, you were required to imagine how a particular house would look like before construction. Today, the case is different you can visit and walk inside a yet-to-be-built house virtually.

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